Procrastination Always Has a Cause and It Isn’t You

People who procrastinate or are otherwise underproductive tend to think that they’re the problem. “I procrastinate because I’m lazy, etc.” But laziness, lack of discipline, etc., are symptoms of a deeper problem: disempowerment. Locate and remedy the sources of disempowerment in your life and work and you can reclaim your joyful productivity. It’s perfectionism that…

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Disconnecting Shouldn’t be Radical!

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(Excerpted from my book Productivity is Power. The original contains many citations, which are omitted here for brevity’s sake.) One of productivity work’s big divides is between those who try to work while connected to the Internet and its many distractions, and those who have figured out that that’s a really bad idea. The second…

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My New Book on Undergraduate Productivity is Out!

paperback and tablet showing cover of Productivity is Power

I’m thrilled to announce that my latest book, Productivity is Power: 5 Liberating Practices for College Students, is now out and available at all online and offline bookstores. Productivity is Power is for ALL undergraduates (and college-bound high schoolers), as well as for the parents, faculty, counselors, coaches, tutors, and others who support them. If…

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The Heart of Productivity

Just published a summary of my approach to productivity work–you’ll find it on the Grub Street Writers blog. If my approach to productivity resonates with you, consider getting one of my books* or taking my next class at Grub. *Reminder that even though my new book Productivity is Power is aimed at college students, the…

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Tips for a Distracting Time

It’s been a crazy and, in many ways, difficult week here in the U.S. If you’re having trouble working (as I am and I know many others are), grab your timer and do short intervals. (Even a minute or two!) You will make progress and, perhaps even more importantly, keep the material fresh in your…

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On Trying to Write While Sitting in the Midst of the Battle of Hogwarts

An author friend of mine recently wrote on Facebook (and gave me kind permission to post): “Almost impossible to work these days. It feels like I’m sitting in the entrance hall of Hogwarts trying to write…while the final battle with Voldemort and the Death Eaters is raging around me.” She’s not alone. Recently YouTube celebrity…

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Exclusive: Sharon Shinn’s Time Management Tips!

I was recently thrilled to have the opportunity to interview bestselling fantasy / science fiction / romance / young adult novelist Sharon Shinn. Why all the genres? She’s incredibly prolific. Moreover, she’s prolific while holding down a full-time job. A writing job! It’s just incredible. I just had to find out how she does it–especially because she also happens…

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