Do You Have a “Room of ReQUIETment?”

Continuing on last week’s Harry Potter theme, I want to ask you:

Do you have a “Room of ReQUIETment?”

Of course that’s a play on Room of Requirement, the fantastic room at Hogwarts that could be anything, supply anything, a student needed.

Back in 1929, Virginia Woolf published A Room of One’s Own, which discussed, among other things, a creative woman’s need for space and privacy. (Of course, men need these things, too—it’s just that fewer women had them in Woolf’s day.)

But physical space isn’t enough. You also need a quiet, capacious mental space that’s free of judgment, worry, and external concern; and in which you can invent and play and create freely. I call that your Room of ReQUIETment.

Create it using the nonperfectionism techniques I’ve written about in The 7 Secrets of the Prolific and elsewhere.

See also:

Harry Potter and The Boggart Perfectionism
Joyful Productivity and The Woodland Trail Metaphor

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