Designer Milton Glaser’s Universe of Abundance

An important element of perfectionism is a sense of scarcity and deprivation, so this quotation from iconic graphic designer Milton Glaser offers an important antiperfectionist message: “If you perceive the universe as being a universe of abundance, then it will be. If you think of the universe as one of scarcity then it will be…I…

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My Inner Critic is a Wise Latina

I had a really bad night’s sleep last night, even for me. At one point, I actually dreamt that I was being judged by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor! Could be worse–could have been Scalia or Alito or Thomas. So the yield of twelve+ years work helping others overcome their perfectionism is that my Inner…

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Rob Hatch on Learning versus “Figuring It Out”

A great post from Rob Hatch on asking why asking an expert is usually better than just figuring things out yourself: I do have limited time. Do I want to spend my limited time training, or do I want to spend it putting my own plan together after reading about how to train, what to…

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