He Gets It!

“We must act knowing that our work will be imperfect.” Barack Obama, 2d inaugural address, January 21, 2013

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Coping with Harsh Criticism

My friend and former student Kirstin Butler wrote a fantastic post on coping with traumatic rejection. I won’t go into a ton of detail about the feedback itself, because I know it was well-intentioned. But it also contained a few comments — I believe the exact phrase was “total rewrite situation” — that hit me…

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“Scope Creep” will Poison Your Projects!

“Scope creep is poisonous,” a client of mine recently said after finally finishing an academic paper he had been procrastinating on for more than three years. He had a full spaghetti snarl of reasons for not getting it done–and remember, our reasons for procrastinating are always valid–but after he worked through them and started to…

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Are Millennials Spoiled?

In my workshops I teach the benefits of an antiperfectionist viewpoint: one that is compassionate, empathetic, nonjudgmental of yourself and others, etc. Yesterday, a 20-something participant raised the question of whether her and her generation had been too indulged (and thus weakened and infantalized) by excessive praise and other support from parents and others. The…

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Sales of the 7 Secrets of the Prolific on the Rise!

So far in March, Kindle sales of my book The 7 Secrets of the Prolific are triple what they were in February–and it’s only the fourth full month in print. Paperback sales also rising! So excited. I’m hearing from readers in the U.S., Canada, England, Poland, Italy, Sweden, and elsewhere! Read sample chapters here and…

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Help Your Team Overcome Procrastination And Finish Projects

Procrastination isn’t laziness, lack of discipline, lack of willpower, etc.: it’s disempowerment. Disempowerment means you aren’t missing anything, but lacking access to that which you have. Remove or heal from the disempowering forces in your work and life and you’ll “automagically” recover all the energy, discipline, willpower, etc., you thought you were missing, or had…

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