“Weight Loss for Writers” Class Premiers Online Jan 6

I’ve been waiting to teach this for years, and am so excited! We’re going to get healthier and write more. Description follows. Space limited, so register now. Lots of writers struggle with their weight, but has it ever occurred to you that weight gain has a lot in common with that other common writer’s malady,…

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Situational Perfectionism in Sex

The Times’s Joyce Wadler recounts how the high cost of Viagra and other “performance enhancing” drugs is putting her under pressure to be better at sex. “I’m a sexually confident woman, but the cost of these pills was giving me performance anxiety. I knew it was supposed to be about love and connection, but when…

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A Great Day for Mushrooms, and Alliteration

Woke up to find it’s raining again, for the upteenth time this fall. At first, I had my normal reaction, “Aw, crap.” But this time I quickly corrected myself, “All right! More mushrooms!” Michigan is apparently great for mushrooms. Maybe today, Monday, I will make manifest a marvelous Michigan morel.

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Are You Waiting for Ideal Conditions to Start Your Project?

Recently, someone mentioned she was waiting to clear “a big chunk of time” before starting a project. Other things people wait for are: The kids to be in school (or out of the house entirely). A better work space (either at home or elsewhere). More money. Retirement. ”To do more research.” While there is often…

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