Links: J.K. Rowling, Alice Sebold and more
From Sept. 09 Newsletter – sign up at left.
Living With the Dead A haunting tribute to the victims of 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina by Alice Sebold, author of The Lovely Bones. My original clipping, now yellowing, is the only thing posted on my refrigerator door other than family photos.
JK Rowling Harvard Commencement address, The Fringe Benefits of Failure Rowling’s personal story from single mother on welfare to probably the world’s most popular author is amazing, and she shares it here, along with the important lessons she learned along the way.
How Different Groups of Americans Spend Their Days A really fascinating interactive chart.
How to Make Employers Want You An excellent article that gets beyond the platitudes and tells you how to boost your chances of getting a job. I take a similar psychology- and sales-based approach in my free ebook, [intlink id=”388″ type=”page”]The HIAPy Guide to Finding Work in a Tough Job Market[/intlink]
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